Top 5 Most Hacked Phone Brands - What You Need to Know

Haseeb Awan
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June 24, 2024


In the digital age, smartphones have become crucial to our daily lives. They are employed as tools for work, as well as for communication and entertainment. But given the private data we keep on our phones. We need to consider whether they are secure from potential hacking attempts. We'll look at the top 5 phone brands in this post and what makes them susceptible to attacks. I will also provide some pointers on safeguarding your phone and maintaining your personal data's privacy. Is your phone secure, then? Continue reading to learn more.

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What Is Phone Hacking?

Our phones are getting more susceptible to hacking as they become more sophisticated. Phone hacking, which frequently involves using malicious software or a phishing scheme, is unauthorized access to data on a mobile device. Personal information, including passwords, pictures, and financial data, may be stolen. Sometimes, hackers can even access the phone's camera and microphone to capture footage and listen to conversations secretly.

It's critical to comprehend the dangers of smartphone hacking and take precautions to safeguard your phone and personal data. It entails using reliable antivirus software, strong passwords, two-factor authentication, being wary of dubious links and emails, and keeping your software up to date. In this post, we'll examine the top 5 phone brands most frequently compromised and discover why they are more exposed to attack than other models. You'll be more prepared to defend your phone and personal information from online threats if you are aware of the dangers and weaknesses connected with these companies.

The Most Common Types of Phone Hacks

There are numerous different methods by that phones can be hacked. Following are some of the most usual ones:

  • Malware: Malware is a software category intended to harm or remove your phone's functionality. You can get malware on your phone by downloading apps, opening email files, or even opening text messages.
  • Phishing: It is a scam in which a hacker assumes the identity of a reliable organization or individual to deceive you into providing them with sensitive information. Credit card numbers, credentials, and other private information may be included.
  • Wi-Fi Attacks: Wi-Fi attacks are rising and entail hackers accessing your phone through insecure Wi-Fi networks. Once inside, they can manipulate your phone, steal your data, and even install malware.
  • Physical Access: A hacker can cause a lot of harm if they gain physical access to your phone. They may use your phone to gain access to other devices on your network, install malware, or steal your data.
  • Social Engineering: You can trick others into disclosing private information using social engineering. It can entail deceiving you into disclosing your password or even cajoling you into installing malware on your phone.

It's critical to be aware of this hacking so you can take precautions to safeguard yourself and your phone. Installing antivirus software, being wary of unwanted emails and texts, and avoiding insecure Wi-Fi networks are some examples of what this might entail. You can protect your phone and your data from hackers by exercising caution.

Top 5 Most Hacked Phone Brands

Some companies are more prone to hacking than others regarding mobile phone security. Recent research has identified the top 5 phone brands worldwide for phone hacking. Due to their popularity and market dominance, hackers frequently target these brands.

  • Samsung is ranked first on the ranking. Due to their widespread use worldwide, Samsung phones are a popular target for hackers. Hackers are known to exploit flaws in Samsung smartphones readily.
  • The iPhone comes in second. Despite Apple's reputation for security, iPhones rank among the most frequently hacked mobile devices globally. That is due to the enormous number of iPhones, making them a desirable target for hackers.
  • Xiaomi is third on the list. Since this Chinese company has become quite well-known in recent years, more hacking attempts have occurred. Hackers are known to exploit flaws in Xiaomi phones readily.
  • Huawei is listed fourth. In recent years, Huawei has also experienced significant growth in popularity, particularly in poorer nations. However, because of its weaknesses, it has also become a well-liked target for hackers.
  • LG comes in at number five on the list. Even though LG might not be as well-known as the other companies on our list, hackers are nonetheless interested in it. It is well known that LG phones contain flaws that hackers can utilize to obtain personal data.

It's crucial to remember that no phone is safe from hacking efforts. However, consumers can take the appropriate security measures to safeguard their personal information by being aware of the most at-risk brands.

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Why Hackers Target These Brands?

Because they are well-known and often used, these brands are a target for hackers. A simple case of numbers applies. Hackers will attack a brand more frequently the more people who use it. It's also important to note that these companies frequently include vulnerable pre-installed software, which makes them a prime target for hackers.

Additionally, many users of these brands tend to be less tech-savvy, which could result in their phones not loading the most recent software updates, making them vulnerable to assaults. It can also be because outdated phones might not work with the most recent software updates.

These companies' capacity to keep private data like passwords, bank account information, and personal information makes them targets for marketing campaigns. For hackers wanting to steal information and sell it on the dark web, this makes them a desirable target.

It's crucial to remember that just because particular brands are more susceptible to hackers doesn't mean other brands are safe. Regardless of the manufacturer, taking precautions to protect your phone is always necessary. Use a secure password, update your software regularly, avoid dubious links, and exercise caution while downloading programs.

How to Know If Your Phone Is Hacked

Signs if Your Phone Has Been Hacked

It's crucial to act immediately to stop any more damage if you think your phone has been hacked. Indicators that your phone may have been hacked include the following:

  • Quick battery drain: If the battery on your phone is depleting more quickly than usual, malware may be running in the background.
  • Unusual data usage: If you discover that your data usage has drastically increased, it may indicate that your phone has been compromised and is transferring data to a distant server.
  • Strange app behavior: If your phone's apps start acting strangely, such as by crashing or freezing, it may be a clue that malware is present on your device.
  • Strange pop-ups: Malware may be present if you frequently receive odd pop-ups or warnings on your phone.
  • Suspicious activity: If you notice any unauthorized or unusual calls or messages on your phone, your device may have been hacked.

Finally, to ensure any security flaws are fixed ASAP, you should keep your phone's operating system and apps updated.

How to Respond if Your Phone Has Been Hacked

You should act right away if you believe your phone has been compromised. You should disable your phone's Wi-Fi and mobile data to switch off the internet connection. It will shield your device from future unauthorized access.

Next, you need to update the passwords for all your accounts, including those for your phone, social media, email, and any other accounts that might have been hijacked. Use a strong and obscure password that is difficult to decipher.

You should also do a virus scan on your device to find and delete any potentially harmful software installed.

You might consider returning your phone to factory settings if concerned about its security. All info on your phone will be deleted, including any virus or spyware that may have been put in. However, make careful to back up all crucial data first.

Last, you should notify your bank and credit card issuers if your personal information has been taken. They can then monitor your accounts for any unusual behavior and take precautions to safeguard your money.

How to Keep Your Phone Safe and Secure?

Regarding your phone's security, it is always better to be proactive than reactive. The following suggestion can assist you in keeping your phone secure:

  • Maintain phone updates: Make sure the most recent software updates are continually installed. These upgrades frequently include security patches that shield your phone from known flaws. Although updating the software on your phone may seem like a nuisance, it is essential to protect it against hacking and security flaws. Phone manufacturers work hard to remain ahead of the game by delivering regular software upgrades since hackers and cybercriminals continuously seek new methods to attack gaps and flaws in the phone software. These updates include crucial security fixes that guard your phone against potential attacks, adding new features and enhancing performance. Your phone may become vulnerable to attacks if you ignore or delay installing these updates since hackers frequently act quickly to take advantage of security defects as soon as they are identified.
  • Employ secure passwords: A complicated password combines capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. The same password should only be used across some of your accounts.
  • Use caution when using free Wi-Fi: Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks at all costs because they are frequently insecure. If you must use them, encrypt your data using a VPN.
  • Steer clear of dubious downloads and links: Use caution while downloading files or clicking on links from unidentified sources. These might have viruses or malware that endanger the security of your phone.
  • Use security software: To defend against viruses and malware, download a reliable security app for your phone.

Following these protection techniques, you can protect your phone from hackers and other online risks. Don't take your phone's security for granted; take action immediately to safeguard your online existence.


In conclusion, phone security is a crucial issue that demands attention. It is evident from the particulars in this article that some phone brands are more vulnerable to hacking than others. Therefore, regardless of the brand, taking the appropriate safeguards to keep your phone safe and secure is imperative.

Updating your phone's software is one of the best ways to improve phone security. Your device will be less vulnerable to assaults, and any security flaws will be fixed.

Additionally, it's crucial to lock your phone using strong passwords and biometric capabilities like fingerprint or face recognition. Your device will be shielded from unauthorized access, and your private data will remain secure.

Be cautious when visiting links from unidentified sources or downloading programs from unreliable sources. Hackers could use these apps or websites to install malware on your phone and compromise your data.

Finally, whenever browsing on public Wi-Fi, always utilize a VPN. Your data will be encrypted. As a result, they are creating it more difficult for hackers to access it.

In conclusion, you are solely responsible for the security of your phone. Thus, it would assist if you took the required precautions to keep it protected.

I trust this article has brought to your attention the significance of securing your phone. You now know that while all phones are susceptible to hacking, some are more so than others. You may assist in preventing the compromise of your phone and personal information by taking the required safeguards. Remember to update your phone, use antivirus software, and exercise caution when using dubious links or apps. Be careful out there!

Haseeb Awan
CEO, Efani Secure Mobile

I founded Efani after being Sim Swapped 4 times. I am an experienced CEO with a demonstrated history of working in the crypto and cybersecurity industry. I provide Secure Mobile Service for influential people to protect them against SIM Swaps, eavesdropping, location tracking, and other mobile security threats. I've been covered in New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Mashable, Hulu, Nasdaq, Netflix, Techcrunch, Coindesk, etc. Contact me at 855-55-EFANI or for a confidential assessment to see if we're the right fit!

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