When Your Phone Data is


You Need Efani Business Mobile Security

Efani replaces your team’s existing mobile phone service plans with a customized mobile security solution.

Secure Your Mobile Communications

Efani’s mobile phone service offers an enforced 11-layer propriety authentication protocol that has been 100% successful to date. It’s the perfect marriage of 5G mobile convenience and next-gen security.

In 2020,

97% of organizations faced mobile threats that used multiple attack vectors.

46% of organizations had at least one employee download a malicious mobile application.

Benefits and Features

Efani’s secure mobile service prevents financial losses due to leaked data and stolen intellectual property (IP). Whether you’re a small business or a global enterprise, Efani provides 100% protection for your mobile data from SIM Swaps.

For CSOs/CIOs and IT teams, that’s peace of mind and mental bandwidth they can use to focus on other goals.

Protected By A $5 Million Insurance Policy

Our unique insurance policy protects you from up to $5 million in losses resulting from SIM swap hacks.
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International data roaming

(*eSIM compatible).
Unlimited call and text within Canada, USA and Mexico
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100% Protection from SIM Swaps

Enforced 11-layer propriety client layer authentication protocol. Mandatory 14-day cooling off period before SIM swapping.

Trusted by These Industries

Hedge Funds
Government Agencies
Financial Services
Cyber Security/IT

From Our Clients

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to @EFANI who in the middle of night wrestled control of my phone number from the hacker who successfully ported it from my @Verzion account. He saved my life. I had every possible protection offered by the carrier * SIM Lock/ Number Lock - Useless, Hackers were able to change it. Since EFANI, I never had any issues and super happy with the experience. I strongly recommend it to any one who values privacy & security.

Charlie Shrem,  Bitcoin pioneer

A man wearing a blue suit and blue shirt.
I am happy to be able to put my cell number back on my business card. Security & Privacy is what made me switch to Efani. Peace of mind is priceless.

Marshal Long, Owner, Bitcoin Mining OC

A man is smiling in front of a brick wall.
I am a frequent target for various scams and hacks. I need somebody to watch my back and Efani is protecting me and my phone.

Lakers NBA star, Los Angeles

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Bringing Confidence to Business Mobile Security

Today’s digital threat landscape is constantly evolving. That’s why you need the kind of protection only Efani can provide. We’d be happy to talk to your CSO/CIO or IT team about how we can secure mobile communications for your business.

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SIM Swap Protection

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