What Our Clients Say About Us

See how Efani users sleep better at night with our secured mobile service.

Didn’t know what to expect with @efani , but it’s a simple setup and data speeds, reception and call clarity are all excellent. Was willing to take a cut in those categories for the added security, but pleasantly surprised thus far.


Anyone who does not evaluate having @efani secure your phone needs to take a few minutes and watch the video @blockchainherd did with @haseeb on how to secure your phone and protect you assets/crypto #HODL #UnbankYourself #Bitcoin #simswap

Jimmy Z

Check out @efani The founder Crypto and telecommunications veteran @haseeb is there for you 24/7 without exaggeration. His cell service provides multi layer sim swap protection and a $5 million insurance policy with Lloyds


Stay vigilant out there as more & more phishing scams & sim swaps will happen as more #crypto adoption happens I want to plug my friend @haseeb as his company @efani will prevent Sim Swaps. #HODL #UnbankYourself

Jimmy Z

My cell phone has been ported twice and I no longer use sms for any 2 factor. I partnered with http://efani.com to create the most secure global network. Never be hacked, stay on any USA network, $99 a month unlimited.

Charlie Shrem

T-Mobile discloses data breach after SIM swapping attacks. This is the 5th data breach disclosed by T-Mobile in 4 years, all of them being reported after hackers gained access to customers' data. #SimSwap Mobile phoneWristwatch Switch to @Efani mobile!

Bitty Bird

1. Switched my cell phone provider to @efani @haseeb is the best 2. Started using @ProtonMail 3. Made sure I had 2FA set up for all my accounts (not 2FA with phone #) 4. Ordered @COLDCARDwallet to replace multisig ledgers (even if they don’t have my seed phrase - fuck ledger


They have the best customer service ever.

Seansel Bitflow

I'd recommend @efani if you're looking for an alternative. I switched over last year after I became similarly terrified at the lack of security provided by all major carriers.


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