What is Dark Web Monitoring? Free Dark Web Scanners to Use

Haseeb Awan
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June 12, 2023
Modified On
June 12, 2023

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The dark web has been a growing concern for many businesses and individuals. It can be a dangerous place to venture into unknowingly, but with the right tools and knowledge, you can safely monitor what is happening on the dark web. Dark web monitoring is the practice of tracking and protecting yourself, your business, and your data from any malicious activity that may be taking place on the dark web. In this article, we'll discuss the basics of dark web monitoring, what tools you need, and how to use them to ensure the safety and security of your data. We'll also cover how to appropriately respond to any threats or threats-in-waiting that you may discover on the dark web. By the end, we'll equip you with the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your business from the dangers of the dark web.

How Does Dark Web Monitoring Work?

Dark web monitoring involves scanning the "dark web" for information related to your identity or personal information that cyber criminals could use for identity theft. The dark web is a secret network of services and sites you can't access through regular search engines. Hackers, scammers, and other cybercriminals use it to buy and sell stolen data and other illicit goods. When you sign up for dark web monitoring, your identity and personal information had monitored 24/7. If a match discovers, you'll receive an alert to take immediate action and protect yourself. With dark web monitoring, you can rest assured that your personal information is safe and secure. So if you want to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals, dark web monitoring is a must!

Every day, dark web monitoring services comb through hundreds of thousands of websites, searching for any personal data that could help criminals to commit identity theft. This data can include the following:

  • Email address
  • Social Security number
  • Medical identification numbers
  • Passport number
  • Phone numbers
  • Bank account numbers
  • Credit/debit cards
  • Driver's license
  • Retail/membership cards

Types of ID Theft That Can Happen on the Dark Web

The obscurity of the dark web makes it hard to determine who is offering or obtaining your data. Depending on the nature of the information, criminals can easily commit acts of identity theft and fraud.

For instance, having someone else's Social Security number means they can establish fake accounts in their name, submit false tax returns and health insurance claims, and more. And if they gain access to a password that had exposed in a data breach, they can sign into any sites the person uses it. Furthermore, if someone's bank account or credit card information is disclosed and traded, criminals can deplete the person's savings and checking accounts and make illicit purchases.

Coping with identity theft can be a prolonged and costly process - occasionally taking several days to several years to deal with that. It also requires much effort and possibly taking time off from work to manage the issues.

Failure to take action against identity theft can significantly affect your credit rating, resulting in expensive or inaccessible loans. If you are the prey of identity theft, consider submitting a claim to the credit reporting agencies that manage your reports.

One of the most effective measures to bring down the time and cost needed to restore from identity theft is to detect it beforehand (or during the early stages) and take action to restrain the thief.

How You Can Protect Your Information from the Dark Web

Aside from having an alert system to inform you if your details get leaked to the dark web, it is essential to take further precautionary steps to remain secure. You can take specific measures to lower the probability of your personal information getting into the hands of the wrong person and also recognize the clues of identity theft early on.

  • Browse securely. When utilizing a public network such as those commonly found in coffee shops, malls, and airports, you should employ a virtual private network to help keep your connection from being monitored by others. In addition, ensure that the website you are using is secure before providing any personal information. You can verify that the URL starts with HTTPS, or your web browser may display a lock symbol or the word 'secure.'
  • Use strong passwords and change them regularly. Remembering a diverse password for each online account is difficult, so consider using a password manager such as LastPass or 1Password. Furthermore, We recommend that you routinely change your passwords if your data is compromised.
  • Safeguard your information. It is essential to protect your data from potential criminals. Strategies to help secure your information include registering for digital statements, so your mail is not tampered with and securing mobile devices with a password. Also, store your Social Security number and passport in a secure box or safe, and not leaving your wallet or purse in your car.

If you believe you have been a prey of ID fraud, it is a good idea to look at your financial accounts often to determine if there are any transactions you do not recognize. Additionally, you should check your credit report and frequently score to spot any suspicious activity. In the event of theft, you should file a report with the Federal Trade Commission. Depending on the circumstances, you may need to contact local law enforcement, the US post office, the FBI, or the US State Department passport agency. Additionally, you might want to put a security freeze or fraud warning on your credit reports so that fraudulent persons cannot open new accounts in your name.

Proactive Monitoring Can Help Reduce Your Risk

As hackers and cybercriminals show no signs of slowing down, it is crucial to protect your data. Keep track of your online information using dark web monitoring and credit monitoring. Specifically, services that take care of all the hard work and let you know. Whenever there is a potential issue, it can give you peace of mind knowing they will inform you if any action is necessary to stop financial or reputational damage.

How Did Your Sensitive Information End Up on the Dark Web?

People need to look out for numerous types of identity theft. Such hazards can range from phishing email schemes to data breaches to malware on a computer which can divulge your confidential info like credit card digits, CVV codes, or social security numbers to cybercriminals.

Dark web scanners use your details (like your email ID) to scan the dark web for any matches. Generally, these scanners start by scrutinizing illicit marketplaces or discussion boards that do not possess advanced security protection.

Dark web monitors and scanners are similar in many ways. Still, the critical difference is that monitors constantly search the dark web to ascertain whether cyber-crooks have accessed your personal information. Scanners, however, provide a single search of the dark web.

It is not feasible for a dark web scanner to cover all the stolen data from the dark web due to criminal activities since much of it gets exchanged in secret. Nonetheless, if you have reason to believe that your private data is at risk, a dark web scan can be a great asset to help you feel at ease.

Top Free Dark Web Scanners to Use

These dark web scanners are among the top selections when exploring the dark web for stolen data. We chose these services because they are free, can be subscribed to, and can do a fast, free dark web scan to detect data breaches.

Identity Guard

Identity Guard is one of the leading identity protection services available at present. This service utilizes your email address to look through the dark web and check if there are any exposed details. It scans six different types of information to measure any possibility of risk. These types include:

  • Account Hijacking
  • Identity Theft
  • Credit Theft
  • Home Title Theft
  • Data Trading
  • Spam + Robocalls

Identity Guard not only keeps track of your data, but it also notifies you when any alterations appear in your credit report. In this way, you can rapidly take action to deal with any possible identity fraud.

Identity Guard Top Features

Quick Alerts

It's impossible to guarantee your data's protection entirely, so it's essential to react promptly to potential data breaches. Identity Guard monitors your records around the clock and sends you immediate warnings through email and mobile app notifications should suspicious activities occur. The sooner you are aware of a potential data breach, the quicker you can take action to safeguard your data.

Constant Scanning

Identity Guard combines traditional methods with IBM Watson's Artificial Intelligence technology to keep an eye on the immense amount of data that makes up a person's online persona and finances (including bank accounts and credit cards). They will alert you if any of your details get exposed.

Easy Recovery Process

Identity Guard is committed to helping individuals who have become victims of identity theft. When they detect a potential threat, they will provide a personal case manager to assist in the resolution. This manager will help individuals restore their credit, secure their financial accounts, and make sure they can recover control of their lives. Furthermore, they offer up to $1 million in insurance coverage, including reimbursement of stolen funds.


Aura's comprehensive digital safety program incorporates Dark Web Surveillance, Credit Notifications, Account Supervision, and other features. The Aura family package is also a suitable alternative for protecting your kids and family from identity theft. Aura's packages come with one million dollars of identity theft coverage, instantaneous warnings of possible illegal activity, and 24/7/365 customer assistance.

Aura's Top Features

Dark Web Monitoring (Personal Info and SSN Monitoring)

Aura will notify you if they detect any other entity utilizing your Social Security Number or other confidential data on the web. It includes anyone attempting to start new accounts or credit lines in your name.

Online Account and Personal Info Monitoring

Aura constantly examines your data online and will alert you whenever it identifies unapproved access or potential data breaches.

$1M Identity Theft Insurance

Aura subscribers can receive up to one million dollars in compensation in the case of identity fraud. It includes coverage for wages gone unearned, transportation costs, and fees related to legal proceedings.

Identity Verification Monitoring

Aura keeps track of any attempts to check your identity on the internet. If anyone attempts, you'll be made aware of it.

Criminal Court Records Monitoring

Aura will alert you if your data appears in any law enforcement documents due to theft.

Home Title Monitoring

Theft of one's identity can lead to fraudulent home title transfers. To help protect against this possibility, Aura stays vigilant in tracking changes to your house's title.

Have I Been Pwned

Have I Been Pwned is a platform that checks the dark web for personal details exposed in data breaches?

You can enter your email address or phone number, and the tool will search for any related breaches.

In addition, users can subscribe to a notification system that will alert them if their information gets revealed in a future breach.

Have I Been Pwned's Top Features

1Password Integration

Have I Been Pwned can easily use it in conjunction with 1Password, a widely-used password manager. As numerous people tend to employ weak or commonly-used passwords to protect their online presence, Have I Been Pwned offers a solution to this issue by building different passwords and safeguarding them for its users.

List of Most Significant and Most Recent Breaches

The website's main page contains the most massive and recent security breaches you can identify quickly. If you notice a recognizable website included in either of these records, you must take the appropriate steps.

Domain Search

This functionality provides the capability to detect all email addresses from a specified domain that experienced a data breach. You can only utilize this service if you manage the domain. It is an excellent tool for web admins and administrators.

Firefox Monitor

Firefox Monitor, created by Mozilla, is designed to inform users if their data get exposed on the dark web. It works by scanning the dark web using your email address.

Firefox Monitor's Top Features

Comprehensive Security Tips

Mozilla informs people about different subjects related to cyber safety and data leakage - how hackers operate, how to stay away from hacks, how to develop secure passwords, and so on.

Robust Breach Search

Mozilla's Firefox allows users to search for recognized data violations. Additionally, it provides details of recent breaches and the information revealed in that incident.

Real-time Alerts Concerning Data Breaches

This capability allows you to establish signals if the scanner discovers your information on the dark web. If you become the target of a data breach, you will be alert, including details about the source and the leaked information.


MyPwd utilizes AI to search the hidden and dark web to see if your passwords publish. They are constantly searching for traces of the sale of databases, credit cards, unlawful services, or the plotting of cyberattacks. They do not need your data aside from your email to initiate.

MyPwd Top Features

Artificial Intelligence

MyPwd utilizes artificial intelligence to thoroughly observe the hidden and mysterious web - a method that only some of its rivals depend on

Straightforward and Easy to Use

In contrast to other services, MyPwd does not require users to create an account or maneuver a complex user interface; instead, it provides an effortless, non-threatening onboarding process.

Password Targeting

A lot of individuals utilize the same secret code for multiple accounts. It is something that offenders are aware of, making stealing passwords a highly profitable business. For this reason, MyPwd focuses on safeguarding passwords. Also, it informs you if any of your passwords have already get stolen.


DeHashed is a comprehensive search engine and surveillance service that permits users to look for emails, usernames, domains, IPs, and other vulnerable data. It also provides a dark web scanner and a monitor. The platform collaborates with data breach analysis firms and various police departments.

DeHashed Top Features

Private Datasets

DeHashed is consistently gaining access to exclusive and secret datasets that other providers cannot get. This advantage allows them to be the first ones to react in the occurrence of a data infiltration.


Thousands of police departments and large corporations depend on DeHashed for their average security and analysis requirements. DeHashed has established itself as a reliable and trustworthy partner in a sector full of unreliable vendors.

Powerful Integrations

DeHashed provides a feature-packed, effective, and speedy API that merges with a business's security solutions. DeHashed searches generally take an average of 80µs (including HTML formation), and their API needs only 25µs.


HashCast provides a service that focuses on corporate protection. It monitors for any cases of employee emails, passwords, and hashes being leaked anywhere on the internet, including the deep or dark web. If your company's credentials get compromised, HashCast will let you know first so you can take immediate action.

Hashcast Top Features

Real-time Alerts

When Hashcast's AI robot happens upon a data breach, you will be sent an email without delay, notifying your business. The email will provide details of the exposed credentials and instructions for protecting your accounts. If you boost to the premium version, you have an advanced warning in the form of text messages, webhook notifications, access to the Hashcast API, and information about the source of the leak.

Sweep for Credentials With AI

Hashcast utilizes many artificial intelligence bots to watch public and private online sources. These bots try to locate credentials (combinations of email and password or email and hash) connected to your company domain.

On the deep and dark web, these sources comprise gatherings found on WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, Discord, or other similar platforms.

The best part? All you need to begin is your business email address.

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Haseeb Awan
CEO, Efani Secure Mobile

I founded Efani after being Sim Swapped 4 times. I am an experienced CEO with a demonstrated history of working in the crypto and cybersecurity industry. I provide Secure Mobile Service for influential people to protect them against SIM Swaps, eavesdropping, location tracking, and other mobile security threats. I've been covered in New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Mashable, Hulu, Nasdaq, Netflix, Techcrunch, Coindesk, etc. Contact me at 855-55-EFANI or haseebawan@efani.com for a confidential assessment to see if we're the right fit!

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